Tuesday, February 5, 2013

My Funny Valentine!

My Ethan just CRACKS ME UP! He is soooo funny! Here is some Ethan humor that I have been collecting as it happens.....ENJOY!

My phone started ringing in the other room. Ethan looked at me, and I said, "I hear my phone ringing." He replied back, "I should hope so!" And he laughed & laughed! 

Me: "Ethan, you are are my favorite little boy!"
Ethan: "Mommy, you are my favorite little girl." 

Aunt Rachel: "Ethan, did you have fun playing with Hunter?"
Ethan: "YES!"
Aunt Rachel: "Did you have fun playing with Macie?"
Ethan: "Yeah NO!"

Ethan was becoming upset when his instructors asked him to practice diving in the pool at swimming lessons. Confused, we kept trying to ask him at home. Eventually, he was able to tell us why. "Because the sign says NO DIVING."

While I'm driving, Ethan is opening a new Hot Wheels car in the backseat.
Ethan: "Mommy, what's this?"
Me: "I don't know."
Ethan: "What's this light for, Mommy?"
Me: "I don't know."
Ethan: "Mommy, are these stickers?"
Me: "I don't know."
Ethan: "Mommy, do you know anything?"

Ethan: "Mommy, I'm hungry."
Me: "How about a cinnamon roll?"
Ethan: "Oooo! Great choice Mommy!!!"

While making valentines, Ethan says, "Charlie Brown doesn't have a girlfriend. But he does have a dog."

During swimming lessons, Ethan hollers across the pool, "Hey, Mom! I just peed in the pool!" 

As I was laughing at something Ethan said, I said to him, "Oh, Ethan! You crack me up!" Ethan walks over to Corey because he was VERY concerned....almost in tears. "Daddy, why is Mommy cracking up?"

Ethan asked us if he could have smoke in his room. Confused? Us too. Turns out he was talking about his humidifier!

While waiting for Daddy to come out of the gas station as he was paying for our gas, I am sitting in the front seat of the van. I am on my iPhone & Ethan is in the backseat on his iPad. We were almost home from a long drive, and we were stopping to fill up our now empty gas tank. All of a sudden, I hear Ethan peeing! I turn around, and Ethan has one hand on his potty bucket & one hand on his "pee dispenser." He looks up at me and says, "Hey, look Mom! I'm peeing!"


  1. Oh my word, I just laughed so hard!! The response to Aunt Rachel just might be my favorite!! Do you keep a list of these somewhere? I've been trying to figure out a way to document our funnies, but I don't always write them down in the same places and can't find where I wrote 1/2 of them!

    1. Megan-I remember when I was teaching telling myself that I needed to write down all of the funny stories & things the kids said. So, now that Ethan is really starting to talk & create his own commentary, I keep a list on this blog...I just don't publish it. I'm sure I don't get 'em all, but I try!

  2. The first one reminds me of a joke Grandpa would make. :) Love this post!

  3. Oh my goodness, those were HILARIOUS!! Seriously funny stuff. I was a little afraid to click on the video right after the pee story. ;) So glad you shared these for the rest of us to enjoy!

    1. HAHAHAHA!!!! I never thought about that placement, Jessica!!!

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