This past week, we have really been focusing on expanding Ethan's diet to include all of the food groups...and not just bread. We have tried a lot of new foods, and have had a variety of reactions.....
Loved it - Bananas, new fruit snacks, smoothies, whole grain Chef Boyardee, V8 Fusion juice, pumpkin pancakes, and apple cinnamon oatmeal cereal bars.
Ate a few bites - Grilled cheese, yogurt covered raisins, GoGurt, taco meat, salsa, and brown sugar oatmeal cereal bar
Spit it right out - Scrambled eggs, watermelon, mandarin oranges, canned sweet potatoes, and McDonald's Shamrock shake (not healthy...but a new food)
I was pleasantly surprised with Ethan's reaction to new foods. When Ethan was about 18 months old, he began to stop eating most of the foods that he typically ate...which was a wide variety. Then, he started loosing weight. So, I adapted the idea of, "I don't care what he eats as long as he eats." He regained his weight, but was developing TERRIBLE eating habits. I actually felt a relief when I watched the Temple Grandin Film, and they showed that she only ate green jello & a specific type of yogurt. Not only could I see Ethan's eating habits in Temple, but I was glad that Ethan ate more than 2 foods.
Ever since then, every time I would have Ethan try a new or different food, he would have a meltdown. I decided to pick my battles & focus on Ethan's behavior & speech. He would occasionally surprise us, and eat something out of the a pork chop at Grandpa Buster's house or a strawberry at Aunt Rachel's house. But when I would try those things at home, he would refuse & meltdown.
Well, since I have started watching my sister's kids during the day, Ethan has been more apt to try new foods. In fact, I wrote awhile ago about him actually TOUCHING a hot dog & even taking a few bites. Amazing. So, since I am trying to ask for help & not do it all on my own, I have brought my husband into this challenge. Corey & Ethan have very similar tastes in food, so I basically bought the food items that Corey likes....when he's eating more than just meat & potatoes.
But this week, I would swap out an old food for a new similar food, and encourage Ethan to take a bite. We have also been eating in the living room in order to avoid the strong smells in the kitchen. Surprisingly.....very few meltdowns!!! It has been AWESOME!!! He has been trying more food this past week than he has EVER tried for me!!! I'm so excited!!! So, this week at the grocery store, we bought....
*White American cheese (to try on grilled cheese)
*Strawberry/banana flavor of V8 Fusion juice
*Red grapes
*Sweet potatoes
*Sausage links
***Update - I gave Ethan & his cousin sweet potatoes at lunch. Neither of them liked them, but they both tried them! Then, at dinner tonight, we had corn & mashed potatoes. Both of these were foods that Ethan loved as an infant, but stopped eating. In fact, whenever we would try to give him mashed potatoes, he would throw up due to the texture of it. However, tonight at dinner.....he ate ALL of his corn & ALL of his mashed potatoes!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
I was fighting back tears so Ethan could see me being happy that he was eating his new foods. (Tears = Sad) Another miracle at the Wolfe house! I know it's just food, but it is a HUGE step for Ethan. It's these little victories that lift my spirits & give me the energy to keep doing what I can for my son. I want the world for him, and I pray every day that God continue to keep His hand on Ethan. So, yeah, when Ethan eats a food that he was throwing up a couple of months ago, I see it as a miracle......a mashed potato & corn miracle.
I love your excitement! I say that you have to celebrate the small victories. Even tiny steps forward are steps in the right direction. Way to go MOM for helping Ethan branch out!