There were about 40 3-5 year old kids for this story time.....yep.....40 LITTLE kids. YIKES!!!
Ethan actually did fairly well! No meltdowns AT ALL! But, he didn't want to sit & listen to the story or do any of the song/story motions. It was just too loud for him to be able to concentrate on any of it. So, after about 2 stories & 2 sing-songy poem type things, he was DONE. were my niece & nephew who were there too. So, that made me feel was a lot for ALL of them.
We each got 2 books for the week, and Ethan picked out an ELMO movie. (I will be surprised if he actually watches it....he never sits for movies.) We signed him up for the Reading Program, and put his name in the weekly drawing.
I really think if it was a smaller group of kiddos, he would have done just fine. So, I'm glad we went, I'm glad we didn't have a meltdown(s), and I'm glad it was only an hour! HA! I think we will try it again sometime, but maybe not EVERY week. Baby steps. He was SO excited to go to the library, and I want him to keep that joy of getting new books/reading. One of those things that I wish we could do, but he's just not ready. But....I am able to see us doing it in the future....and that gives me joy!
Put on his quiet headset and away you gooooooooooo!!!!!