I just want to take the time & thank all of you.
Becoming a mother was a huge adjustment although it was a welcomed one. Becoming a stay-at-home mom was a huge adjustment although that too was a welcomed one. Becoming a mother of a child with autism has definitely been the biggest adjustment of them all.....maybe because that wasn't part of my "plan". And I wouldn't be able to do it without all of you. So, thank you for your support, for your prayers, and for your love as Corey & I are trying to parent....not only our first child.....but a child with autism.
Mostly, though, I want to thank you for how much you have supported Ethan. I KNOW beyond a shadow of a doubt that Ethan would not have made the progress he has made without each & every one of you. Currently, there is no cure for autism......only a treatment plan.....and that is intervention. And since we were able to have Ethan diagnosed so early, Ethan has a high chance of overcoming his autism-related challenges through Early Intervention. And this is why I am so diligent in helping Ethan right NOW. It increases his chance for success in the future. And I am so grateful to all of you because I am not alone in encouraging & supporting Ethan. You help Ethan in ways you don't even realize.
First, you help Ethan by treating him like any other 3 year old boy. You talk to him, you play with him, you joke with him, you tickle him, you put him on the big trampoline with your kids. You get excited with him, you laugh with him, you read with him, you play games with him, you try & teach him how to hold a baseball bat. You take him to car events, you watch NASCAR with him, you give him high-fives & fist-bumps. You cry when he says a line in the Christmas play at church, you work in church ministry that gives him & others with special needs a voice, you pray for him, you hug him, you kiss on him. You love him.
Second, you help Ethan by learning about autism. I know many of you read this blog. And I KNOW you don't do it because I am an amazing writer....that's not the case at all. You do it to understand Ethan, so you can help him & understand him better.....so you can have a stronger relationship with him. And that is HUGE. You ask questions....and I love that. You have talked with some of your older kids about what autism means & answered THEIR questions. You have gone to conferences, read books, watched TV interviews....all about autism.
Third, you tell others about Ethan. One of the promises of God that I cling to is in the Bible....John 9:1-3. It's the story of Jesus & his followers coming across a blind man. Here is what it says.....
As he went along, he saw a man blind from birth.
His disciples asked him, “Rabbi, who sinned, this man or his parents, that he was born blind?”
“Neither this man nor his parents sinned,” said Jesus,
“but this happened so that the works of God might be displayed in him.
When you tell others of Ethan....whether it is to inform others of him or to ask others about ways to help him, I believe that you are telling others of the WORKS OF GOD. I see God working in Ethan's life so mightily that it is overwhelming at times. The grace he has shown us, the mercy......the love & strength......it is truly amazing. And when you talk about Ethan to others, you are talking about what God is doing.....a miracle. Now, you may not use these words, but that is what you are doing......telling someone of a miracle in the making.
I love you.
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