Thursday, January 5, 2012

Yes, I am THAT Mom!

So, on the way home from taking the boys to school today, I was singing in the car with my niece. As I looked over at the car next to me at the stoplight, I soon realized that they were getting a good laugh at watching the crazy lady singing & doing the motions to Itsy Bitsy Spider. I just smiled at them.....and continued with the show! I don't care if people are amused by me because......
  • Yes, I am that mom that makes car sounds with her grocery cart to calm my 3 year old son. 
  • Yes, I am that mom that makes silly faces in order to get my son to look me in the eyes.
  • Yes, I am that mom that makes up silly songs to help him learn. 
  • Yes, I am that mom that gets over-the-top excited when my son says "thank you" without being prompted. 
  • Yes, I am that mom that cries when she sees her son playing with other kids.
  • Yes, I am that mom that colors the sun purple and the grass yellow in order to encourage my son to color.
  • Yes, I am that mom that makes pancakes using cookie cutters so my son will eat them.
  • Yes, I am that mom that dresses up in theme for holidays & special events.
  • Yes, I am that mom that walks like different animals with my son so he can strengthen coordination.
  • Yes, I am that mom that has a paint stained dining room table from lots of finger painting.
  • Yes, I am that mom that will do WHATEVER silly thing necessary to help my child learn & grow.

So, go ahead & laugh if you must! I'm not doing it for you or even for me.....I'm doing it for my kid! I am responsible for teaching & helping my son, and I believe that silliness is one of the best ways to do that. And soon enough these days will be gone, and he will be a teenager rolling his eyes at anything I do. But for now, I will be that mom that is singing at the top of her lungs with her child to a kid's CD. And now, it's time for me to dance with the Wiggles..........

1 comment:

  1. You rock! I could spend a day with you and learn a thing or two. :)
