Monday, December 3, 2012


I have many, many posts that I have written but never published. I could, and may still, eventually post about Ethan's Halloween, his GI visit, his swimming lessons, and so on, but not today. Today, I need to work through some thoughts.

Lately, people in our life have been telling us how well Ethan has been doing. They are seeing him making big giant moon steps, and he is becoming a new child. It truly is remarkable. Some even say, "If you hadn't told me that he has autism, I would have never known." Some are even doubting his diagnosis. Some are suggesting that we re-test Ethan to see if he would still have that diagnosis. That is how well he is doing.

I very much appreciate these compliments.....well, I take them as compliments. We have worked VERY HARD for the last several years & done all we can possibly do for Ethan given our knowledge & resources. So, these kind words are very inspiring to our weary family.

However, the thought that Ethan had a misdiagnosis is just absurd to me. It almost underminds Ethan's triumphs, and I am not about to take that away from him. This kid has worked very hard to overcome a lot.....and always will have to do that in order to thrive in this world. He will always have sensory issues, but we can teach him how to handle it. He will always have autism, but we can give him tools to work through the issues that he faces every day. He is showing so much growth & promise, and I am so proud of him.

Giving Ethan the ability to navigate this world in his skin is the best thing we can do for him. And that is what we try to do every day.....see the world from his point of view & help him to connect to it. This does not come naturally to is not innate. It must be taught to him on a level that he can relate to & understand. And that will always be the challenge. It's not easy but we try. And lately we are seeing big results. YEAH!

Maybe when Ethan is older we could consider re-testing him, but it's a bit early in my opinion. He has yet to start Kindergarten, and I want him to have access to any help he may need in the school system. He has so much life ahead of him, and I want to give him as many resources & support that he needs or wants. Ethan is such a smart & sweet little guy, and I want to give him the best chance that I can possibily give him. And, in my opinion, that means continuing on our current path.

I DO want to thank the many, many people that have encouraged us with your words of support. I'm soooooo glad that you can tell big differences in Ethan. He works so hard for such a little guy, and it's very nice to hear how other people can tell a difference in him. His behavior, his speech, his social skills, his independence......I LOVE to hear all about it!!!! I am one super proud Mama!!!!!!!! But as for a There is no doubt in my mind that Ethan has autism. Otherwise, why would therapies geared for children with autism be working so well with him???? HUM?????? :0)

Ethan has autism. It is a part of him. It is his super power. And we love him just how he is! He is our joy, and I wouldn't change a thing about him!!!!!!!


  1. YAY! I love this post. Thank you! I woke up this morning not feeling like I really wanted to deal with ANYTHING autism today! Just one day off please!! Your post helped in reminding me that pushing through the hard stuff is totally worth it, plus Baylor probably works harder at this autism stuff (therapies and such) than I do! Just encouraged and reminded that he will continue to grow and understand the world around through all that God has made available for us to access in helping him. He is who he is and it may be hard sometimes but this is how God wants him to be so he can use him to accomplish his purposes! Thank you again for sharing Ethans progress and your beautiful prospective on this journey God has for your family.

  2. I'm so glad Jen! And thank you for posting this comment! It's nice to know I'm not alone in my feelings!!! Praying for you and your family in the upcoming weeks!!!!!
